AAMS-Salvarani - Testing Equipment

We are the main agents for AAMS-Salvarani testing products in Ireland. Please Browse through our products and feel free to contact us at any stage if you have any questions.
AAMS provide a vast range sprayer testing products and testing equipment. Not all of their products are listed on our website. If you would like a brochure please don't hesitate to contact us or alternatively you can download the PDF version by clicking the following link; http://www.salvarani.com/Portals/0/EN/schede/aams-salvarani_2015_EN-IT.pdf
Digital Manometer 40 bar, class 0.25 with certificate Learn More
16 Bar Master Gauge, 160mm Class 0.6. With Certificate Learn More
This is a digital pressure sensor which will tell you the pressure in a pump accumulator. It can also be used to chect the pressure in a tyre. Learn More
This is a digital stopwatch which can be used while jug testing nozzles. short description Learn More
This is a 2 Litre graduated measuring cylinder. The graduations are marked every 20ml. Learn More
This product is used to test the pressure along a boom. This comes with a 10 Bar gauge but other gauges are available on request. If purchasing this product we would recommend also purchasing 'Adaptor for EF3' and 'Adaptor for Hardi'. These will speed up the process on most sprayers. Learn More
This is a 160mm Calibrated and certified pressure gauge. If comes in a padded Box with 1/4', 3/8' and 1/2' BSP fittings to allow you to connect any gauge to the Manometer Tester. These gauges can also be purchased in 6, 16, 25, 40, 60 and 100 Bar. Call for more information Learn More
The AAMS manometer tester is especially designed for checking manometers on all types of sprayers. The device is therefore equipped with quick couplings to allow a fast and proper mounting of manometers without the risk of damaging the thread of the measuring device by improper mounting. Learn More
This product is used to test the flow rate of nozzles on field crop sprayers with a flow rate between 0.3L/Min and 10L/Min. It can be easily adapted to test orchard sprayers. If takes about 6 seconds to test a nozzle. This is a must have for anybody serious about sprayer testing. Learn More
The pump tester is used to test the flow rate of a pump or flow meter under various pressures. It is a fantastic diagnostics tool. The price quoted is for the basic model which can measure pumps with a flow rate between 8 and 330 L/Min. It will have a ordinary pressure gauge to display the pressure on the system. These vary in spec. They can come with digital readouts for pressure and flow rates and can measure flow rates up to 1300L/Min. Before you consider purchasing a pump tester please contact us to discuss which would suit you best. Learn More